Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Break Up, Phase 2

Break up is not a simultaneous event here on the Kotzebue Bay. Two rivers empty into the bay. After the original bay ice moves out, the bay gets dumped again with the river ice.


When the rivers broke up a few days ago the community was surprised by the sheer amount of the incoming ice from the rivers. According to this news report, we were "threatened" by the fast-moving ice. It wasn't quite that bad, but it did tear up a building, dug up cement culverts, and created a contest for two front end loaders that had teamed up to protect other beach-front properties from destruction.


My Bonnie lies over the ocean (or bay, in this case)


I wish I could bottle the sounds of break up. The gentle gurgle of water, the deep crashing of icebergs, the crisp shatter of ice, and the smooth crackle of slush, makes for quite an Arctic symphony!

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